These are our two cats Piet and Juul. Piet is a black puss, Juul is a
grey-white striped tom. They where named after Princess Juliana,
former Queen of The Netherlands, and her son-in-law Pieter, since all
four mammals share April 30 as their birthday. Yes, we know we
got the genders wrong.
Below you'll find a few pictures taken in July of 1999, when they
were about 9 weeks old.
By the way, the really big cat on the last picture is my wife Tieleke.
Juul died on February 4, 2002, in a traffic accident.
Piet died on March 22, 2007, of natural causes.
Juul awake
Juul and me
Juul and Piet
Juul on our bed
Juul with Big Yellow Bear
Juul asleep
Piet ignoring VCR, Juul ignoring Dutch literature
Juul and Piet meet Icey, Sweete Bear, Vlek, Peaches, Snuggles,
Cream, Stijve Beer, and Stekeltje
Piet on top of Microwave Cook Book...
Piet awake
Piet and Juul about to take a nap
Piet and Juul chasing the Giant Pink Bug-On-A-String
Tieleke caught smoking
Jan Joris Vereijken / [email protected]